Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Thoughts on Motherhood

When I became a mother, time has become a luxury for me. I couldn’t go out whenever I want nor do the things I want to do without considering the little boy first. I had to train myself to sleep and wake up early.  There are times I had to postpone plans with friends and skip important events. Even date nights with the hubby took a back seat. And whenever we do get to go out, it’s mostly quick dinners and trips to the supermarket and then rushing back home just in time for the little boy’s naptime or playtime. My daily activities revolve mainly around his schedule. I squeeze in some “me time” in whatever pockets of time I may have during the day (usually during his nap time).

Being a newbie to motherhood is overwhelming. Your life inevitably changes; major adjustments have to be made whether you like it or not. I think no one or no books will ever prepare you for motherhood (note: breastfeeding is another story) until you have experienced it yourself. You can get all the advices and tips you want but ultimately it’s when you are fully immersed into it that you are able to discover and learn things on your own. The first few months are tough but it begins to get easy once a routine is established and you get the hang of it. If I could describe motherhood, it would be a one big oxymoron—it’s a calm storm that brings lots of harmonious discord and crazy fun, leaving you happy tired in the end.


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